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Saenanikom family about their warm experience and trust in VFC Center


Today, Vejthani Fertility Center would like to share the interview of Ms.Siripan Saenanikom (40 Years old) and her husband (62 Years olds). They shared their experiences of the treatment since October of 2016 until giving a beautiful baby, Nong Aeng Aoy’s birth in October 2018. Let’s see the timeline of how she became the mother of a beautiful daughter.

Q: When did you know that you have an infertility problem?

MOM: I got married for 13 years. However, 2-3 years ago, I just wanted to have a baby and tried to have a baby naturally but failed. Due to our ages, having a baby is not that easy. We tried every way, we searched for the information from the internet but failed as before. Moreover, when I knew that I have Uterine Fibroids, I came to consult with the doctor so that I knew that I have an infertility problem.

Q: Have you ever planned to have a baby for a while?

MOM: We own the factory in Pathumthani, so both of us were worried about our work, especially in 2011, there was flood so we did not think about having a baby at all. But when the circumstance was getting better, we started to feel that we were ready to have a baby.

Q: How did you know Vejthani Fertility Center?

MOM: We are Vejthani’s patients. We regularly come to meet the dentist here so that we trusted in the treatment standard of the hospital. We asked for the information from the customer service counter and we met with Dr. Worawat who was taking care of us until I gave birth.

Q: How was your treatment experiences with Dr. Worawat?

MOM: He gave me a lot of information. At first, I thought that the doctor must be old, but when I first met him, he looks so young at the age of 35 years old. However, he is good and has a lot of experiences.

DAD: The doctor is very diligent. I remember that I came here at 7 am because I am afraid of the traffic, the doctor is already here, downstairs. I am impressed with how diligent, caring, and good he is.

MOM: During my pregnancy, he always provides me with the consultation and encouragement likes, “It will get better, and we will get through it” so I feel like he is with us, fighting for us. He is also good-humored so I feel free to talk with him.

Q: How long did you make your decision to undergo the treatment?

MOM: Not that long because the doctor said that the more we age, the more difficult it will be. So, I decided to receive the treatment immediately.

Q: How did you feel during the treatment?

MOM: I was worried because the doctor told us that some people undergo the treatment for 9-10 years but failed. However, I wanted to try, but if I have to undergo the treatment for ten years, I might not withstand because I will be 50 or 60 years old at that time.

At that time, I have only one strong embryo out of 11. The doctor asked me if I want to transfer the embryo or freeze the embryo and wait until the next time so that we will have two embryos to transfer, which will increase the success rate.

I carefully thought that my house is in Pathumthani, but I have to come here to have egg maturation, venipuncture, and injection almost every day. I felt tired, and I’m also scared of the needle and other medical equipment. Therefore, I decided not to wait, even though I have only one healthy embryo. I do think that whatever will be, it will be. Luckily, we were successful.

Q: Could you please tell us the procedure of egg retrieval?

MOM: Well, I have to have egg maturation before egg retrieval. After collecting eggs, these eggs will be mixed with Daddy’s sperms and what we have to do is waiting for the updates from the hospital. The hospital will inform us what is going on to the egg number1, 2, and 3 every day such as, egg number 1 was gone, egg number 2 is spreading, etc.  They will inform us every day, and so we are waiting for the updates enthusiastically every single day.

Q: What about the embryo transfer?

MOM: I was very amazed. The doctor said that the embryo was transferred to the uterine cavity. The embryo’s survival depends on us so that I have to take care of myself and follow the doctor instructions.

Q: How long did you wait for the result of your pregnancy?

MOM: Around one month. I was very careful. Even my breathing, I breathe very softly, and not roughly. I was not allowed to walk up the stairs so that I tried to stay still, not to lift heavy things, or do anything that might affect the embryo.

I brought a lot of pregnancy tests. I did the test 3 times a day even though I have an appointment with the doctor to have a blood test. A very few days before an appointment, I saw the light dash, but I was not sure.

After the blood test, I was informed that I am pregnant, but still I need to be careful because the first three months have a high risk of losing the embryo. I have to consume hormone, my face is full of acne, but I tolerated it for our baby. After three months, I stopped consuming hormone and started to consume Ferrous Salts.

Q: Are you able to work during pregnancy?

MOM: After three months, I suddenly went back to work so that my body will be stronger. However, I tried not to lift heavy things.

Q: How did Daddy take care of you?

MOM: Daddy takes good care of me. He was anxious about me because if we miss this time, both of us will be very disappointed, so family’s support is very important.

Q: What about the  4D Ultrasound?

MOM: We did Ultrasound every month to know how healthy my baby is. The doctor told me that the baby is healthy with good weight. With the 4D Ultrasound, we can see her face that just looks like her Daddy.

Q: How did you feel when you first met your daughter?

MOM: I could not explain, delighted was very delighted. The first moment that I heard her voice, she was crying very loud. The nurses took her to clean her body and gave me to take a look at her. The doctor said that she is very healthy.

DAD: I was there, in the delivery room because my wife was very scared. I told her it would be okay, and there is nothing to worry about. We trusted the doctor. During the delivery time, the doctor was good-humored and laughed, so that makes us feel comfortable. When the baby was crying, her mommy cried.

Q: Do you want to say something to people who are searching for information and have infertility problem?

MOM: For people who have an infertility problem,kindly see my case as an example; it might help you make a decision.

Both the doctor and nurse team always provide excellent service and support to our family. We are close to the nurse team because I am afraid of injection, so they always gave us the support when I got an injection to boost my hormone, they tried to comfort me. Dr.Worawat was taking care of me since the beginning of the treatment until I gave birth. The nurse team came to visit us after giving birth. I am very impressed. I want to send our acknowledgement to Vejthani Hospital for assisting our family to achieve our dreams of having a daughter, our precious heart.

For people who are in the process of the treatment, I want you to stay strong and follow the doctor’s instructions. Besides the doctor’s help, family support is the most important thing.

Hopefully, our family’s story will be an inspiration to everyone who is in the process of the treatment to keep going. Best of luck, everyone.

Thank you for sharing us the good experiences and for trusting Vejthani Fertility Center. We wish the baby and mommy a good and strong health.


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