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Embryo, Sperm, and Egg Freezing Program at VFC Center in Thailand

Sperm and egg freezing in Thailand

Freezing Sperm, Eggs, and Embryos for IVF

Today’s sperm, egg, and embryo freezing technology for IVF in Thailand has been developed to allow spouses to retain embryos and germ cells for future use through freezing or cryopreservation. They can be stored for a long time using a freezing technique called vitrification, which is widely used because it has minimal effect on the embryo and germ cells, allowing the best chances of a successful pregnancy in the future. It offers the same rate of success as using fresh embryos or non-frozen germ cells. 

For patients undergoing IVF or ICSI, if a large number of eggs are stimulated, more embryos can also be formed. The embryos not moved into the uterus in the first round must be preserved by freezing. If the patient wants to do an embryo transfer in the next cycle, the frozen embryo can then be used without having to restart the egg stimulation process. 

In addition, the frozen embryos, including germ cells (egg and sperm cells), can also be used in cases of cancer patients who still want to have children in the future but must receive treatment such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy that adversely affects their reproductive capabilities. For these patients, the embryo storage cost is worth the opportunity to bear a child.

In Thailand, sperm freezing may also be used to store sperm before being used for fertilization outside the body. This is ideal for patients with sperm production problems who may not be able to secrete sperm on the egg collection day. 

Women who decide to put off parenthood or have poor ovarian function but want the best chances of having a child later in life can freeze their eggs at a cost. By freezing their egg cells early on, they will have enough viable eggs to enjoy a greater chance of conception when they decide the time is right.


Sperm Freezing Process in Thailand

Sperm freezing is a critical procedure for many individuals and couples looking to preserve fertility. This process, also known as cryopreservation, involves several key steps:

  1. Initial Assessment and Screening: Patients undergo a thorough medical evaluation, including tests for infectious diseases, to ensure safety and viability.
  2. Sperm Collection: Sperm is collected either through ejaculation or, in more complex cases, via surgical methods like PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) or TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction).
  3. Analysis and Preparation: The collected sperm is analyzed for quality, concentration, motility, and morphology. It is then prepared for freezing, often involving a concentration process to ensure only the healthiest sperm are preserved.
  4. Cryopreservation: The sperm is mixed with a cryoprotectant solution to protect it from damage during the freezing process. It is then gradually cooled to a very low temperature and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks.
  5. Long-term Storage: Frozen sperm can be stored for many years, maintaining its viability for future use.

Understanding the sperm freezing cost is crucial for our patients. At VFC, we offer transparent and competitive pricing, ensuring our patients are fully informed about the financial aspects of the process.


Viable Sperm Freezing Candidates in Thailand

  1. Patients who are undergoing sterilization by cutting the sperm duct can have their sperm stored if there is a desire to have more children in the future.
  2. Patients who are going to be treated with chemotherapy or drugs that will have a negative effect on future sperm production.
  3. Patients who have to be treated via testicular cutting.
  4. Fathers that have an abnormal Y-chromosome microdeletion, which causes sperm production to decrease over time. They may consider sperm freezing while their sperm is still plentiful and of good quality.
  5. Couples who are apart and do not have the opportunity to have intercourse when the eggs fall. The man may consider freezing sperm to be injected into his partner’s uterus when she is ovulating.
  6. Couples who are undergoing IVF and are in a situation where the male cannot travel to collect the semen on the day that the eggs are collected from the female to be fertilized. The couple can curtail the cost of this lost opportunity through sperm freezing before the egg collection date.
  7. Spouses receiving treatment for infertility with the ICSI process using sperm that must be extracted from the semen tube or cut from the tissue of the testicles (PESA or TESE). The remaining sperm cells must be frozen to avoid repeated sperm extraction in the next treatment cycle.
  8. Spouses who need to use sperm donation. Freezing sperm from donors allows the detection of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C for 3-6 months after donation to ensure there is no infection before the sperm is used.


Egg Freezing Program at VFC

Our egg-freezing program involves a process known as oocyte cryopreservation, which involves several important steps:

  1. Ovarian Stimulation: The process begins with hormone therapy to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. This phase is carefully monitored through blood tests and ultrasound scans.
  2. Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries in a minor surgical procedure, typically performed under sedation.
  3. Egg Assessment and Preparation: The retrieved eggs are evaluated for quality. Healthy, mature eggs are then prepared for freezing using cryoprotectants to safeguard them from ice crystal formation during the freezing process.
  4. Vitrification: The eggs are rapidly frozen using the vitrification technique. This ultra-fast freezing method prevents ice crystals from damaging the eggs, maintaining their integrity and viability.
  5. Storage: The frozen eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen tanks at very low temperatures, preserving them for future use.

When considering egg freezing, understanding the egg freezing cost is essential. At VFC, we provide our patients with comprehensive information on sperm and egg freezing in Thailand, including detailed cost breakdowns and supportive counseling.


Viable Egg-freezing Program Candidates

  1. Patients who are going to be treated with chemotherapy or drugs that will have a negative effect on their ovarian function.
  2. Individuals who have a family history of menopause before the age of 40.
  3. Couples undergoing IVF who cannot store the male sperm on the same day of egg collection. They can freeze eggs for future treatment cycles without requiring egg stimulation again.
  4. Spouses who need to use donated egg cells may consider freezing donor eggs. The eggs can be tested for sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C, 3-6 months after donation to ensure there is no infection before using the egg cell.
  5. Women who do not have a family and want to maintain fertility for the future. The fertility of women often gets lesser with age. When the integrity of the ovaries is reduced, the ability to have children with their egg cells will decrease. An egg-freezing program is an alternative way to treat reproductive conditions in the future.


If you feel that embryo, sperm, or egg freezing may be the right path for you at present, make an appointment for a consultation with a doctor at the VFC Center at Vejthani Hospital in Thailand. They will inform you of the details of this type of program, including sperm and egg freezing costs and embryo storage costs.