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Comprehensive PGT in Thailand

Vejthani Hospital offers PGT treatment in Thailand.

PGT at VFC Center at Vejthani Hospital in Bangkok Thailand

Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is a groundbreaking technique in embryo diagnosis to detect genetic diseases. As a leading PGT clinic in Bangkok, VFC Center at Vejthani Hospital specializes in this advanced procedure, which involves an examination of the abnormalities of the embryo, ensuring that couples undergoing IVF can take a proactive approach to prevent hereditary conditions like Thalassemia from being passed down to their child.

PGT-A, PGT-M and PGT-SR are three tests for embryos before implantation. PGT-A tests for abnormalities in the body’s chromosomes. PGT-M testing is performed at our clinic in Bangkok to determine whether any abnormal genes have been inherited from either parent, such as genes for thalassemia anemia. PGT-SR testing is used in Thailand to detect genetic diseases caused by the structural positions of chromosomes. Ideal candidates for PGT in Thailand include:

  • Couples with a history of genetic disorders.
  • Women over the age of 35 who are at a higher risk of chromosomal abnormalities.
  • Couples who have experienced multiple unexplained miscarriages.
  • Those with a family history of certain hereditary conditions like Thalassemia or cystic fibrosis.


Benefits of PGT

Undergoing PGT treatment in Thailand offers substantial benefits. It helps in preventing genetic diseases in infants. It also reduces the need to terminate a pregnancy and the likelihood of congenital disabilities, which can affect the child and parents’ quality of life. At our PGT clinic in Bangkok, we understand that while genetic diseases cannot be cured, their impact can be significantly mitigated by alleviating the symptoms.

Any couple can request PGD in their IVF cycles at our clinic in Bangkok. Couples who are most likely to benefit from PGT in Thailand include those with a personal or family history of chromosomal abnormalities, recurrent miscarriages, or certain types of sperm abnormalities. PGT is extremely useful where there is a 25-50% chance of having a child affected by a specific genetic disease. Through PGT, we can differentiate between affected and unaffected embryos and even identify carrier embryos, thereby facilitating the transfer of healthy embryos

Undergoing PGT also reveals the gender of the embryo. However, PGT for gender selection without medical indications is against the law in Thailand.


How is PGT Performed?

Our PGT clinic in Bangkok provides comprehensive consultations to help determine if PGD is the right choice for you. PGT involves a series of steps that start with the normal process of IVF to retrieve eggs and fertilize them in the lab.

At the VFC Center in Thailand, PGT is performed by extracting the embryonic cells and analyzing the embryonic genetic makeup. Embryonic cell extraction can be done at two stages: when the embryo is three or five days old. Only those embryos deemed viable are then transferred to the mother’s uterus, enhancing the chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy.

The process of PGT treatment in Thailand at the VFC Center involves:


IVF Procedure

Eggs are retrieved and fertilized with sperm in the lab.

Embryo Growth

Fertilized eggs are cultured and monitored as they develop into embryos.

Cell Biopsy

On the fifth or sixth day of development, a few cells are removed from each embryo.

Genetic Analysis

The extracted cells undergo genetic testing to detect any chromosomal or genetic abnormalities.

Embryo Selection

Healthy embryos, free from detected abnormalities, are identified.

Embryo Transfer

One or more selected embryos are transferred to the uterus for potential pregnancy.


Our highly skilled team at VFC utilizes state-of-the-art technology at every stage of PGT, ensuring the highest standards of accuracy and care.